- New Config files
- Many New Features
- Officially changed this mod package from Improved UI Mods with No Markers to BTmod
- Hotfix for a bug introduced with the config files for a lag issue with the Container Menu
- Fixed a list bug in the repair menu
- Fixed formatting issues on the Container Menu (Looting Menu)
- Added new ESPs for Compass Control
- Added New Config files for better personal control
- Fixed a selection bug on the Inventory Menu
- Extended parts of the Stats Menu. Can view all Minor Skills at once! (Hit down arrow)
- Fixed formatting issues on the Container Menu (Looting Menu)
- Added some limited hotkey functionality to the Dialog Menu
- Extended the size of the Custom Class Name when creating a class.
- Fixed the files in the Markers/No Markers directories so they do as they should according to their directory
- Because we merged our mods we decided to go up to version 2.0 to avoid any confusion
- Extended the inventory and magic lists
- Fixed the header when viewing a completed quest line.
- Fixed the worldmap so it works for both widescreen and normal. Also fixed cropping
- Added status screen display
- Added map with/without fade and with/without markers (4 different types) (Default no mark, with fade)
V1.4 Test 1
- Copied the stat screen from Tikigod's "No Quest Markers & Improved UI"
- Copied the taller quest log Tikigod made as well.
- Fixed the map bug in lower resolutions, it should scale to any reslution now.
- Fixed the map bug where the tooltip text was a bit outside the tooltip.
- Added borders around the map.
- Reduced the amount of fade on inactve quests.
- Changed map size (This job was a pain in the arse!)
- Added an unsupported version without the fade
- Small fix to move the date when viewing a completed quest.
- Fixed the marker on the new windows. Looked a bit silly.
- Added the new and improved(?) quest log.
- Fixed a small bug with the exit button on the new menues added in 1.3 Test 1
- Added the repair, alchemy, soulgem, etc.. menu
- Changed quest text to font 3 (from the ini file)
- Fixed the equipped items in loot window bug
- Magic icon adjusted slightly to look more centered
- Corrected some typos in the tutorial.rtf
- Added loot windows as well
- Fixed the "odd line" bug thanks to strakar.
- Changed the background of selected spells / items to look a bit better
- Renamed to UI mods