BTmod v2.20
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Q. the instructions for the btmod menu changes are to place the files here: Oblivion\Data\menus\prefabs\ui_config
but... i don't have a menus folder in oblivion. do i just create one, or is that folder hidden somewhere else?

The most likely problem in this specific case of installing BTMod is probably that you are installing the wrong file, because the main BTMod package comes as an auto-installer.

What you are probably trying to install is the Customization Package, which is an addon to the base BTMod package (which, as previously mentioned, is packaged as an auto-installer .exe file. OK, it is also packaged as a *.rar, but even that will install the necessary folders and files just like any other mod).

If you don't have those folders, it can only mean that you haven't yet installed the base package, without which the Customization Package you have is useless. With the base package, the Customization package you have is optional, and probably unnecessary, unless you want to further customize the BTMod base install.

(Copied from a post made by motub on the official forums, I see this question asked at least once or twice a week on those forums so decided to answer it here.)

Improve many aspects of the stock Oblivion UI
    Increase the amount of the Inventory, Magic, Container(Looting), Repair and Alchemy Ingredients listings to 12 or higher *
Increased area to view Local and World Maps
Increased area to view Quests and Journal
Increased area to view Skills, Factions and Accomplishments
Added percentage display to HP/MP/FA display †
Added Durability status under the Weapon Icon on the Main Hud †
Enabled and cleaned up Spell Effect durtation timers †
During Custom Class Creation, increased the size of the enterable name
Mapped Arrow Keys to various Menu buttons ‡

Support for removing Marker/POI icons from the Compass and Local/World Maps
    3 ESP files to control Markers\POI icons on the Compass
Map Config entry to control the Quest Marker on Local/World Maps

Configuration files to tailor the UI to your personal tastes
    Each Menu has it's own file(s) to control layout of icons, windows, graphics and more
Future releases can use your previously altered Config files to keep your settings

* The amount of items able to fit on screen could depend on setup of alternate fonts
† These items can be toggled on and off with the Config Files

Improve many aspects of the stock Oblivion UI
    Increase the amount of the Inventory, Magic, Container(Looting), Repair and Alchemy Ingredients listings to 12 or higher
Increased area to view Local and World Maps
Increased area to view Quests and Journal
Increased area to view Skills, Factions and Accomplishments

The above mentioned Menus were heightened to use the empty space above it. In some cases, the were widened also (Local/World Maps).

Additional Main Hud Information
    Added percentage display to HP/MP/FA display
Added Durability status under the Weapon Icon on the Main Hud
Enabled and cleaned up Spell Effect durtation timers

The Main Hud (The items on screen when moving/fighting/etc.) now can have your HP/MP/FA shown as percent values*. Also a status bar for the current durability for your equipped weapon can be seen. You can also enable a text option to show the current damage %. The original XML code for Oblivion had disabled timer readouts of Spell Effects that were in effect for your character. We re-enabled these and cleaned them up.

Custom Class Naming

By default, entering a name for your Custom Created Class was limited to a very short size. This has been increased. †

† Long class names may not format properly on Stat and other screens

Mapped Arrow Keys to various Menu buttons
    Mapped the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to the first and second choices for Popup Message Boxes (includes Merchant Confirmations)
Mapped the Up Arrow key and Down Arrow keys on the Quantity Menu to Ok and Cancel
Mapped the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys during conversations to exit Dialogue and enter the Persuasion menu
Mapped the Up Arrow key to the Take All button on the Container(looting) Menu

There are 4 XML tags that the game recognizes. These are <xup>, <xdown>, <xleft> and <xright>. These are mapped to the Xbox360's directional pad and can emulate button functions. These 4 Xbox controls map directly to the Arrow Keys of the PC keyboard. There are no other keys mapped in this way. In an effort to minimize mouseclicks, various functions were mapped to buttons on those menus.

These new hot keys for the Merchant verification will affect all popup Message Boxes. If you used the arrow keys before to highlight the response, this will affect that and select either the first or second response. Delete or rename data/menus/message_menu.xml to change it back to the original fucntion.

Remove Marker/POI icons from the Compass and Local/World Maps

The Compass features are now controlled by a ESP file. There are now 3 ESP files available, each does one of the following:

  • Remove both the Quest Marker and Dungeon/POI icons from the compass
  • Remove just the Quest Markers from the compass
  • Remove just the Dungeon/POI icons from the compass.

If you do not use any of these ESP files, the compass will run in it's default mode where it shows everything.

To enable one of the ESP files, Click on the "Data Files" button on the Oblivion Start Menu. You will see a list of the ESP files available. The 3 files are as follows:

  • Compass-Disable_Both.esp
  • Compass-Disable_QuestMarkers.esp
  • Compass-Disable_POIs.esp

Check off the one you want to run (if any). CHOOSE ONLY ONE. Running 2 or more of them, will only cause the last one to load up to be the one that works.

These ESP files changes the gamesetting iMapMarkerRevealDistance. It changes it from the default value of 1800 to 1801, 1802 or 1803 depending on which ESP you run. If you use another mod that changes this gamesetting, the compass will likely show everything.

You can also no toggle the Markers and Icons on the compass from in game with the console.

To show everything:
     - Open the console.
     - Type: setgs imapmarkerrevealdistance 1800
     - Type: reload hudmainmenu
     - Close Console

To show nothing:
     - Open the console.
     - Type: setgs imapmarkerrevealdistance 1801
     - Type: reload hudmainmenu
     - Close Console

To show Markers only:
     - Open the console.
     - Type: setgs imapmarkerrevealdistance 1802
     - Type: reload hudmainmenu
     - Close Console

To show Dungeon/POI Icons only:
     - Open the console.
     - Type: setgs imapmarkerrevealdistance 1803
     - Type: reload hudmainmenu
     - Close Console

One Note: There is a graphical bug that occurs sometimes when enabling the Quest Marker after it's been turned on and off. The cursor will still be in the right spot, but it will just look odd. You can clear it up by restarting the game.

Also toggling it in the Console will only last for the play session. When you restart the game, it will function as however you have the ESP setup.

To disable the Quest Markers in the World and Local Maps: Open the menus\prefabs\ui_config\map_config.xml in Notepad or other text editor and read the section labeled "QUEST MARKERS"

Configuration Files

The Configuration Files allow a user to tailor the UI to their personal preferences. By editing many of the original UI's XML files, we set them up to reference these files for layout and toggling elements off and on.

The Config Files are in data/menus/prefabs/ui_config.

The following are the Config files available in this version and which menus they affect:

container_config.xml: Containter Menu Layout(Looting).

container_template.xml: Allows further tweaking of the Container Menu. Word of Warning, changes here can affect looting speed. The more items the slower.

hudmainmenu_config.xml: All screen elements that show while actually playing. HP/MP/FA bars, Weapon/Magic Icon, Compass, Spell Effects.

hudreticle_config.xml: The Crosshair.

hudsubtitlemenu_config.xml: Subtitles from NPC dialogue.

stats_config.xml: The Stats Menu (F1)

inventory_config.xml: The Inventory Menu (F2)

magic_config.xml: The Magic Menu (F3)

map_config.xml: The Map and Quest Menu (F4)

map_template.xml: Further Customize the Map screens. Changes here can slow down the map loading.

You can make changes to these files with yout favorite text editor like Notepad (Do not use MS Word or other Word Processor programs). We can also recommend these XML editing programs: and

The files have some documentations with in the files to help you edit them. We will be expanding these in future releases.

Also a BTModCustomizationPackage2.2.rar file is available (at most popular TES Mod Sites). This file contains examples of alternate configurations and the modified Config Files for those changes.

Important Links:

Latest Forum Link: The Elder Scrolls Forums

Download Sites:

Planet Elder Scrolls (Registration Req'd)

Gaming Town Forums

BTModCustomizationPackage2.2.rar available at:

Planet Elder Scrolls (Registration Req'd)

Gaming Town Forums

Thread History:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Other Recommended Mods:

Dark UI:

Oblivion Color Map Mod:

Version History:

- New Config files
- Many New Features

- Officially changed this mod package from Improved UI Mods with No Markers to BTmod
- Hotfix for a bug introduced with the config files for a lag issue with the Container Menu

- Fixed a list bug in the repair menu
- Fixed formatting issues on the Container Menu (Looting Menu)
- Added new ESPs for Compass Control
- Added New Config files for better personal control

- Fixed a selection bug on the Inventory Menu
- Extended parts of the Stats Menu. Can view all Minor Skills at once! (Hit down arrow)
- Fixed formatting issues on the Container Menu (Looting Menu)
- Added some limited hotkey functionality to the Dialog Menu
- Extended the size of the Custom Class Name when creating a class.
- Fixed the files in the Markers/No Markers directories so they do as they should according to their directory

- Because we merged our mods we decided to go up to version 2.0 to avoid any confusion
- Extended the inventory and magic lists
- Fixed the header when viewing a completed quest line.
- Fixed the worldmap so it works for both widescreen and normal. Also fixed cropping
- Added status screen display
- Added map with/without fade and with/without markers (4 different types) (Default no mark, with fade)

V1.4 Test 1
- Copied the stat screen from Tikigod's "No Quest Markers & Improved UI"
- Copied the taller quest log Tikigod made as well.
- Fixed the map bug in lower resolutions, it should scale to any reslution now.
- Fixed the map bug where the tooltip text was a bit outside the tooltip.
- Added borders around the map.

- Reduced the amount of fade on inactve quests.
- Changed map size (This job was a pain in the arse!)
- Added an unsupported version without the fade
- Small fix to move the date when viewing a completed quest.
- Fixed the marker on the new windows. Looked a bit silly.
- Added the new and improved(?) quest log.
- Fixed a small bug with the exit button on the new menues added in 1.3 Test 1
- Added the repair, alchemy, soulgem, etc.. menu

- Changed quest text to font 3 (from the ini file)
- Fixed the equipped items in loot window bug
- Magic icon adjusted slightly to look more centered
- Corrected some typos in the tutorial.rtf

- Added loot windows as well
- Fixed the "odd line" bug thanks to strakar.
- Changed the background of selected spells / items to look a bit better
- Renamed to UI mods

Known Issues & Bugs:
  • Container Menu can lag when the number of items in your inventory or the container object contains alot of items. This happens with or without this UI mod.

  • Disabling just the Quest Marker with the Compass-Disable_QuestMarkers.esp can cause the Marker to return or graphically corrupt. Still investigating for a solution.

  • The Arrow Key hotkeys sometimes need to be pressed a few times to take effect.


Created by Beider (Vegard Stenstad) and Tikigod (Vik Raolji).

Huge thanks to Nonsanity over at Bethesda for the great XML info!

Thanks to Ghostwheel for his "Elder Scrolls 4 (Oblivion) BSA file unpacker"!

Big thanks to Ronan Jouchet for his help in getting us setup with the Installer. Excellent Work!

A grateful thanks to Crashback for helping us document. Saving our sanity!!

The whole gang at #oblivionmod. You all rock!

Thanks to strakar and ALBATROSSSSS for pointing out some bugfixes!

And a huge thanks to everyone testing and giving feedback as we develop this mod!

Feel free to email us at tikigod633 at Yahoo or vegard at beider dot org.

Come visit us on IRC EFNet in #oblivionmod